The end of summer should not mean the end of your fun in the sun. After all, there’s no reason you can’t still enjoy some time in the water when the weather turns cold. But before you go jumping back into your pool, there are a few things you’ll need to do first.
Test the Water
It’s the owner’s responsibility to test the water before closing their pool. It’s also important to make sure that the water is clean and clear before it closes for winter—if you are not sure, get help from a professional.
Cover Your Pool
Get a pool cover! This helps protects your pool from debris such as leaves. To use a pool cover, lower it, disconnect it from your pump, and either use a pulley system to lift it or manually pull it up. Make sure that you have all of the necessary equipment before doing so, as this can be dangerous if done improperly. Once down, check to make sure that there are no holes in the cover, and if there are, patch them with duct tape or similar material.
Clean Your Pool
Chlorine is a sanitizer that prevents algae from growing in your pool. In the summer months, chlorine levels can be higher (1 to 3 ppm), but when the season changes you’ll want to reduce it so as not to dry out your skin or eyes.
To do so, add 25% more acid shock to your water and let it sit overnight. Then drain half of the water out of your pool using a skimmer or vacuum before refilling it with fresh water. You should also add chlorine again at this time—but only enough to raise its level back up again (it should read between 1 and 2 ppm).
Store Your Tools Properly
When the pool is closed, it’s important to keep your tools dry and safe. Use a waterproof container and store it in either your garage or shed. If you don’t have a waterproof container, make sure to keep them out of the elements by keeping them in a dry place like your garage.
Attach a Winterizing Plug
Attach a winterizing plug to the pump. This will stop water from flowing through the filter and into the pump, which could prevent freezing and damage it.
The End of Summer should not Mean the End of Your Fun in the Sun
Closing your pool for the season is not a difficult task, but it does require attention to detail and compliance with local regulations. A good way to ensure that you are doing everything right is to follow these tips, which will help you close your pool safely and efficiently.
In the dead of winter, it’s hard to imagine that summer is just around the corner. But when you look back at all the fun you had this summer, don’t let that season end on a sour note. You can still enjoy your pool in the winter! It doesn’t have to be freezing to enjoy your backyard oasis—even when it’s cold outside and snow is falling, there are some ways you can still get out there and have fun with your family and friends. For more information, contact us today.