Rooftop decks are great places to relax and unwind. Many Americans who own one also use them to entertain guests as visitors can enjoy being outdoors while having all the amenities and comforts of being indoors. Even though you may already have a great rooftop deck, there are many ways of making the area more comfortable and aesthetically pleasing. We have put together a number of rooftop deck ideas that can transform your deck.

Consider a Pergola
The whole purpose of a rooftop deck is you get to enjoy sunlight from the comfort of your rooftop. However, sometimes the sun can be too hot, which is why many Americans are increasingly opting for a pergola roof on their decks. Pergolas feature a roof structure that is translucent or partially open which filters the worst of the sunlight while at the same time allowing for some rays to get through. This makes any deck with a pergola rooftop comfortable to be in even on the hottest of summer days. When you are thinking of purchasing a pergola, ensure that you get pergola experts to set it up for you. This is because pergolas need to be carefully constructed in order to balance the amount of sunlight that they let through. If it is too closed up, not enough sunlight will get through. if it is too open, then the deck will become uncomfortably hot.
Reconsider Your Deck Furniture
When it comes to deck furniture, many people opt for comfort and forget that the furniture also needs to withstand the elements. Even if the deck’s cover shields it from direct sunlight and precipitation, the fact that it is in the outdoors means that the furniture is bound to be affected by the weather, especially after some time. With this in mind, you should consider using furniture that is made of stain-proof and durable materials. These include stainless steel, polymers, and much more. You should also consider using detachable cushions which can be removed during winter or during wet weather. An added advantage of such cushions is that they can be easily cleaned thus keeping your deck looking awesome.
Deck Flooring
The materials that you choose to line your deck floor with also matter a lot. Not only does it determine how comfortable the deck is but also how much you spend maintaining your deck. Many Americans use wood as deck flooring. This is a good choice that offers comfort and great aesthetics, however, you should keep in mind that wood can be affected by the weather and will probably require a lot more maintenance to keep it looking new. Fortunately, there are other options if you do not want to worry about deck-floor maintenance. Polymer tiles offer a great substitute for wood. Apart from being stain proof and impervious to the elements, polymer flooring is also splinter-free. This means that it is generally safe to walk on the deck barefoot with minimal to no risk of injury. Modern polymer tiles are also designed to stay cool during hot weather and to be warm during cold weather. This further enhances the comfort of your deck.